
About us


We're @leohariart and @axomuma and we're two artists and fursuit makers from Catalunya in Spain!We started our paths separately in 2019 but joined forces in 2022 and we couldn't be happier!We love to bring people's character's to life and also design our own characters for people to enjoy!We aim to become fulltime makers and artists and slowly but surely we're apporoaching that goal!Thanks to everyone who stops by and all of our customers for trusting us, helping us achieve our dream and for all of the support!Yippee!


Base price is 3500€ for simple design

We only offer mini partials (head, paws & tail) or single head (3000€) at the moment

Base price includes 3 fur and 3 minky colors, each new fur is +80€ and each minky +20€Things like complex markings, horns, hairstyles, length of the tail, piercings
and other elements will affect on the final price


There are some extras you can add to your suit✤ Magnetic eyelids (50€ per pair)
✤ Pickable nose (50€)
✤ Magnetic add ons like bandaid or hair
✤ Extra tongues
✤ 3D print piercings
(price varies depending on design)
✤ Custom unlined head bag (200€)And more!
Extras need to be listed at the form for us to take into account and give you a price for them.